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Inmersión Inglés: LEARN TO PLAY, PLAY TO LEARN. Hospedería de Monfragüe

The CPRs of Hoyos, Caminomorisco and Coria, offers this language immersion in order to provide teachers with an array of ideas that can be used both inside and outside of the classroom. It aims to provide participants with resources, activities and games to get students more engaged. We hope to share as many ideas as possible in this immersion so that everybody can benefit not only from the activities within the program, but those that participants have also used and seen in the world of teaching.  

Arrival Time: Friday, October 18th at 17:30 h.  Departure Time: Sunday, October 20th at 14:00.

Length: 24 horas (2.5 credits)   Place: Hospedería «Parque de Monfragüe»

Deadline: October 10th.   

 LEER ATENTAMENTE el díptico para, antes de hacer la inscripción (registration), anotar en el apartado OBSERVACIONES todos los criterios de participación y necesidades alimenticias.

No se tendrán en cuenta las inscripciones con el apartado OBSERVACIONES vacío.